Can nuggets float on clouds? Clouds.. are they trustworthy? There have been times when iCloud a software of Apple has been hacked into due to bugs and/or exploits which people’s information were stolen and pictures so is it really something you could trust? We had a guest speaker today who goes by the name Shadrach White. The way Shadrach White talked about clouds in general if you did not know about the iCloud incident you would think that it very secure besides the fact that they pay other people to try to hack into their cloud that way they could be fix the exploit. Google does something similar as they pride themselves being hard to hack so they challenge anyone to try to hack them and if you succeed you have a high likely chance that they will hire you. Now back to Shadrach, he is the founder of CloudPWR and as the founder he was very knowledge in the area around clouds and even telling about one of the services they provide is Airlift which helps new people w...